SASSA Online Applications for the R350 SRD Grant

Everything You Need To Know About The SASSA R350 SRD Grant Application

If you are a South African citizen, refugee, asylum seeker, or special permit holder aged between 18 to 60 years and facing financial hardship, there is help available. The Social Relief of Distress (SRD) Grant is a relief measure provided by the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) designed to assist those with insufficient means and those who do not receive social grants on their behalf or are ineligible for UIF payments. This guide will walk you through the steps to submit a SASSA online application for the R350 SRD Grant.

Required Information for Application

To successfully submit your SASSA SRD R350 Grant application, you will need the following information:

  1. Confirmation of understanding and acceptance of the declaration and consent documents.
  2. Your personal details.
  3. A valid mobile number.
  4. Employment status and lifestyle sustainability information.
  5. Your banking information.

How to Apply Online for the SASSA R350 SRD Grant

To apply online for the SASSA R350 SRD Grant, follow these steps:

Step Action
1. Visit the SASSA SRD grant website.
2. Click on the ‘click here to proceed’ button.
3. Select ‘Click here to apply online’.
4. Input your mobile number and click ‘send SMS’.
5. Enter the One Time Pin (OTP) sent to your number.
6. Confirm and accept the clauses in the declaration and consent documents.
7. Fill in your personal information, employment details, lifestyle sustainability information, and your banking details.
8. Follow the prompts to finish your online application.
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Note: No document uploads are required as all information is to be provided electronically. If your grant application is declined, you may appeal SASSA’s decision through the Department of Social Development for each month your application was rejected.

SRD R350 Grant Payment Dates For January 2024

To be updated.

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