X2 Permanent Driver Job Vacancies at Department of Health

If you are looking for a stable and long term job in the health sector, there are two permanent Driver Job vacancies available at the Department of Health in Gauteng province region. The job reference number is refs/019503 and it falls under the Directorate of Patient Administration and Logistics (Transport).

Job Details and Benefits

The job package offers a salary of R171 537 per annum plus additional benefits. If you have any inquiries regarding the role, you can contact Ms. MA Motiang at 012-354-2578. Be quick to apply as the closing date for the job application is 2nd January 2024.

Job Requirements

  • Applicants must have a valid grade 12/Matric certificate.
  • They should have a valid code 10 (C1) Driver’s license with PDP.
  • Three (3) years’ experience working as a driver is essential.
  • Good verbal and written communication skills are necessary.
  • Time management, discipline, and loyalty are key.
  • Be prepared to work night, weekend, and public holiday shifts.
  • Knowledge and understanding of road maps and directions.

Duties and Responsibilities

  1. Transporting patients to and from various institutions for consultations, checkups, and follow-ups.
  2. Collecting and delivering medication from a medical depot and different institutions.
  3. Collecting and delivering documents, equipment, and material from different institutions.
  4. Recording and checking faults of the vehicle and completing an inspection sheet before and after each trip.
  5. Ensuring that the vehicle is roadworthy before utilizing it and reporting any accidents or dents to the transport officer.
  6. Maintaining vehicle tools in a good condition and recording the start and end kilometers in the logbook.
  7. Submitting keys, fuel cards and logbooks to the transport officer after each trip.
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Applying for this job is straightforward. Simply submit your application online in the E-Recruitment portal. Note, no hand-delivered, faxed, or emailed applications will be accepted. For assistance with the online application, you can email [email protected]. A completed and signed new Z83 application form is required along with an updated Curriculum Vitae (CV). Click here to download the Z83 application form.

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