How to Submit Assignment at Unisa

Submitting assignments is an integral part of the coursework for students studying at the University of South Africa (UNISA). In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the process of submitting your assignments to UNISA. Whether you have a written assignment or a multiple-choice assignment, we will provide detailed instructions to ensure a smooth submission process.

Step 1: Access the myUnisa Platform

To begin the assignment submission process, you need to access the myUnisa platform. Launch the myUnisa tool on your device and navigate to the submission section.

Step 2: Uploading a Written Assignment

If you have a written assignment, follow these steps to submit it:

  1. Choose the appropriate file format: On the submission screen, select the file format from the drop-down list under “Specify the type of file.” Ensure that the file format you choose is compatible with the myUnisa tool.
  2. Prepare your assignment file: Create your assignment document using a word processor or text editor. Make sure it adheres to the formatting requirements specified by UNISA. Set the paper options to A4, use common fonts like Arial or Times Roman, and maintain a minimum margin of 2.5 cm.
  3. Upload your assignment: Click on “Continue” to upload your assignment from your computer to the UNISA network. The upload process may take several minutes depending on your internet connection speed and file size.
  4. Verify assignment details: Once the upload is complete, review the details displayed on your screen for final checking. You can make any necessary corrections at this stage.
  5. Submit your assignment: If you are satisfied with the assignment details, click on “Submit Assignment” to finalize the submission. Ensure that your assignment file is virus-free to avoid any issues.
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Step 3: Uploading a Multiple-Choice Assignment

If you have a multiple-choice assignment, follow these steps to submit it:

  1. Prepare your answers: Before going online, ensure that you have your answers ready. It is recommended to work offline and connect to the internet when you are ready to submit. This will help you save money and data if you don’t have reliable Wi-Fi at home.
  2. Upload your assignment: Launch the myUnisa tool, navigate to the appropriate section, and upload your multiple-choice assignment following the instructions on the screen. Take note that the submission process may differ slightly from written assignments.
  3. Verify submission status: After submitting your assignment, you will receive a clear status message indicating whether your assignment has been successfully received. You will also receive a receipt with a unique track and trace number for future reference.

Important Points to Consider

Here are some additional points to keep in mind when submitting assignments to UNISA:

  1. Submission Deadline: It is crucial to submit your assignments at least three days before the closing date to avoid any unforeseen challenges, such as internet connection issues.
  2. Avoid Virus-Infected Documents: Ensure that all documents uploaded via the myUnisa tool are free from viruses. Submitting virus-infected documents can result in the withdrawal of your access to the tool.
  3. Assignment Marking: Late submissions are not marked, so it is essential to submit your assignments on time. While assignments may not heavily impact your final exam mark, developing a habit of meeting deadlines is valuable.
  4. Assignment Weightage: Assignments contribute to a small percentage (typically 15%) of the final mark. Although assignments are not compulsory, attempting and submitting them can enhance your chances of success.
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Submitting assignments to UNISA is a straightforward process when done through the myUnisa platform. By following the step-by-step instructions provided in this guide, you can ensure a smooth and successful assignment submission experience. Remember to pay attention to the submission deadlines, adhere to the formatting requirements, and submit virus-free documents. Best of luck with your assignments at UNISA!

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