Department of Small Business Development (DSBD) Vacancies

Department of Small Business Development (DSBD) Vacancies, Jobs, and Learnerships. Detailed information on the salary range, eligibility requirements, skills and competencies, latest jobs and vacancies, types of job vacancies, application process, advantages of working for DSBD, learnerships and internship programs, and tips for preparing for a DSBD interview.


The Department of Small Business Development focuses on enhanced support to small businesses and cooperatives, with an emphasis on programs to advance entrepreneurship amongst women, the youth, and people with disabilities to contribute to job creation and economic growth. The objectives of the department include facilitating the development and growth of small businesses and cooperatives, facilitating partnerships, advocating for a conducive regulatory environment, and facilitating radical economic transformation.

Salary Range

The salary range for positions within DSBD varies based on experience and qualifications. The following ranges are estimations in South African Rands:

Position Salary Range
Intern/Entry Level R10,000 – R35,000
Junior/Mid-Level R35,000 – R60,000
Senior/Management R60,000 – R120,000+

Requirements and Eligibility

The requirements and eligibility criteria for positions at DSBD vary depending on the specific job role. It is important to review the job description and application details for each vacancy to ensure you meet the necessary qualifications and experience.

Skills and Competencies

When applying for positions at DSBD, it is beneficial to possess the following skills and competencies:

  • Strong knowledge of small business development
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
  • Analytical thinking and problem-solving abilities
  • Teamwork and collaboration
  • Attention to detail and organizational skills

Latest DSBD Jobs & Vacancies

Types of Job Vacancies at DSBD

  1. Agricultural Economist: Responsible for analyzing economic data and providing insights into agricultural trends and policies.
  2. Rural Development Coordinator: Facilitates the implementation of rural development initiatives and ensures effective coordination between stakeholders.
  3. Livestock Inspector: Conducts inspections to ensure compliance with regulations and standards related to animal welfare and health.
  4. Agronomist: Provides expert advice on crop cultivation, pest management, and sustainable farming practices.
  5. Land Surveyor: Performs land surveys and measurements to support land reform and land administration activities.

Key Performance Areas

The key performance areas for DSBD job roles may include:

  • Implementing small business development initiatives
  • Developing and maintaining small business databases
  • Conducting research and providing policy recommendations
  • Managing rural development projects
  • Supporting sustainable farming practices

How To Apply for DSBD Vacancies

To apply for vacancies at DSBD, you will need to complete the Z83 Application for Employment form. You can download the form here. Additionally, ensure that you have an updated CV and any supporting documents required for the specific position you are applying for.

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Advantages of Working for DSBD

  1. Opportunity to contribute to the development of small businesses and cooperatives
  2. Career growth and development opportunities
  3. Work-life balance
  4. Collaborative work environment
  5. Competitive benefits package

DSBD Learnerships & Internship Programs

DSBD offers learnerships and internship programs to provide young individuals with practical experience and skills development opportunities in the field of small business development.

Preparing for a DSBD Interview

  1. Research the Department: Gain a thorough understanding of DSBD’s mission, values, and key initiatives.
  2. Review the Job Description: Familiarize yourself with the requirements and responsibilities of the specific position you are applying for.
  3. Prepare Examples: Be ready to provide specific examples of your previous experiences and achievements that align with the requirements of the role.
  4. Show Enthusiasm: Express your passion for small business development during the interview.
  5. Ask Questions: Come prepared with thoughtful questions to demonstrate your interest in the department and the position.

More Information

For more information about the Department of Small Business Development (DSBD), please visit their official website:

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